Dear members and friends of the Sodality of Charity,
I write this on Sunday, September 5, and today our Sodality is one year old. Incidentally, today is also the birthday of Mr. Mike Volz, who for a year has so kindly offered his time to give our Sodality members lessons in the art of archery. In thanksgiving, say a little prayer for him. But there’s more birthdays coming: all our members and friends are welcome to celebrate on September 8 at St. Gertrude the Great. That day is Our Lady’s birthday, and we will have a Solemn High Mass at 11:25 AM in Her honor. Afterwards there will be a birthday party at Helfta Hall with pizza and cupcakes. Hope to see you all there.

This Saturday, September 11th, marks the first anniversary of death of Fr. Anthony Cekada. There will be a Solemn Requiem Mass in our church at 8:30 AM. Afterwards the parish will offer a little breakfast, and then we will depart to St. Stephen’s Cemetery in Hamilton to pray the Rosary. Notice that because of very eventful September at SGG, this anniversary observation will take the place of our Monthly meeting. Mass starts at 8:30 AM, and we should be back at the church around 1 PM. Hope to see you all there – too.
Our church activities will continue the very next day, Sunday, September 12, the Solemnity of the Holy Name of Mary. From 1 PM to 5 PM we will have our Parish Picnic in Sharon Woods Park, at the Cardinal Crest shelter. The parish will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, and drinks. You can bring a dish to share or a favorite game if you would like, but most of all, bring yourself there – again.
Our four Seminarians, who are studying for the priesthood, will be ordained to Subdiaconate (the first of the Major Orders), on the Ember Saturday, September 18. If you are able, join us to pray for our Seminarians, when they take this decisive step in dedicating their whole lives to Jesus and Mary.
The greatest of our September ceremonies will occur on Wednesday, September 29, the feast of St. Michael the Archangel. On that day, Bishop Dolan will consecrate as Bishop Fr. Rodrigo da Silva (b. 1991), who, since the summer of 2018, has been working with Bishop Dolan as the rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary in Brazil and serving missions and Mass centers spread throughout this huge country. Bishop da Silva will also celebrate the Rosary Sunday Mass on October 3rd, after which the parish will host our annual Rosary Confraternity breakfast.
Active parish is a sign of life, so let us be grateful to God, our clergy, and our parents for all the hard labor they do for all of us. When the fall season now starts, all you sodalists should be active in attending the events of your parish, as well as in your prayers, especially your Rosary. Our Lady has so often talked to children and young people, for example to Mélanie and Maximin at the mountains of La Salette, to St. Bernadette at Lourdes, and to Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta at Fatima. And this is because of their sincerity and eagerness to repeat Her words when adults have been too timid.
Yours in Christ and Mary,
Fr. Lehtoranta
St. Rose of Viterbo
September 4

Rose was born in Italy of poor parents in 1233, back in the time when the Emperor Frederick had conquered land that belonged to the Pope. Her special mission was to make the people of her own city and nearby cities be faithful to the Holy Father. And this she did when she was just a young teenager.
In fact, Rose was only eight years old when our Blessed Mother told her while she was sick that she was to wear the habit of St. Francis and give good example by her words and actions. After she gained back her health, Rose began to think more and more of how much Jesus suffered for us and how much sinners hurt Him.
Later on, this daring girl began to preach in the streets of the city, telling the people to resist the Emperor who had taken the land from the Church. So many people listened to the Saint that Rose’s father became frightened and told her he would beat her if she did not stop preaching. She was only about thirteen, but she answered gently: “If Jesus could be beaten for me, I can be beaten for Him. I do what He has told me to do, and I must not disobey Him.”
Two years more Rose preached with such effect that the enemies of the Pope wanted her killed. In the end, the ruler sent the Saint and her parents out of the city. But Rose said that the Emperor was going to die soon, and that is just what happened. Back in Viterbo, the Saint was not permitted to become a nun, so she returned to her own home. There she died when she was only seventeen, and her body is still preserved and venerated in Viterbo.
In her very short life St. Rose did much good. I, too, will occupy my time as well as I can, especially offering my help to my Pastor and Sisters.
From “Saints for Young People for Every Day of the Year,” vol. 2, by the Daughters of St. Paul