Dear members and friends of the Sodality of Charity,
Hope your Christmas time went well, and you were able to spend it with your families and friends. It was not so for millions of Americans, whose holiday plans were ruined by the huge winter storm, which hit right during the busiest travel season. There was, of course, lots of anger and frustration on the roads and at the airports. But even in the midst of harsh weather, let us say: “O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever.” (Daniel 3:69-70)
At our monthly meeting on January 28, the Sodalists elected four officials to help me in running the monthly meetings and other activities of our group. The Sodality of Charity is meant to provide fun events for the girls and young ladies of our parish. But still, the organizing and arranging of these events takes effort and preparation. And the best way to ensure that the children of our parish have fun is to have them arrange their events themselves, and that is what the officials are meant to do.

I said the monthly Mass for all our Sodalists on January 18.
In mid-January Bishop McGuire made his first episcopal visit to Mexico, accompanied by Fathers McKenna and Ercoli. Our pastor is thus continuing the work of Bishop Dolan, who in the course of many years made several pastoral visits to Mexico. In the city of Colima, Bishop McGuire had about 65 confirmands, and in Guadalajara about 30. The highlight of the trip was the diaconal ordination of one of the Seminarians of the Company of Jesus and Mary. This is a group of Traditional Catholic clergy in Argentina. They were formerly taken care of by Bishop Andres Morello, who died last year, not long before Bishop Dolan did, and they are now under Father Alfredo Contreras. Having been left without a Bishop of their own, Bishop McGuire answered their request to ordain their Seminarian. In this way, Bishops da Silva and McGuire are, on their part, keeping the light of Faith burning in South America.
In December, the Institute of the Mother of Good Counsel (IMBC), which is an Italian group of Traditionalist priests led by Father Francesco Ricossa, published the obituaries of Bishop Morello and Bishop Dolan in its magazine Sodalitium. The Institute remembered with gratitude how Bishop Dolan had consecrated the altar of their Verrua Savoia headquarters in 1994, and how he ordained Fr. Ercoli in 1997. The IMBC priests also expressed their condolences to the priests of Bishop Dolan, as well as to his successor in the episcopate, Bishop McGuire. Similarly they expressed their condolences to the priests of Bishop Morello, and to his successor as the superior, Father Contreras.
Recently Catholic Family Podcast interviewed one of our parishioners, who had many good memories and stories about Father Cekada and Bishop Dolan. You can listen to the interview here.
We have, as usual, many events to attend at SGG in February. We start the month with First Wednesday on February 1. The only membership fee a Sodalist has, is that she is asked once a month, on First Wednesday, to attend Mass, say a little prayer, or do some act of charity in honor of St. Joseph, but this is only a request, not an obligation. The Masses on Wednesday are at 7 AM, 8 AM, 11:25 AM, and at 5:10 PM.
Thursday, February 2, is the feast of Candlemas. There will be the blessing of candles, procession, and Solemn High Mass at 5:30 PM. The delicious Winter Soup Supper follows the Mass, marking the end of the Christmas season. On the day following, First Friday, February 3, we need volunteers in the afternoon to take down Christmas decorations. The work starts after the 11:25 AM Mass and Benediction. February 3 is also the feast of St. Blaise, so you can come to the communion rail after all Masses to receive the blessing of throats. This blessing protects the recipient not only from illnesses of the throat, but also from any evil or harm.
Our Sodality’s February meeting will be on Saturday, February 11, from 8 AM to 2 PM. It is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and also the ordination anniversary of Fr. McKenna. The morning Mass will be a Solemn High Mass, and the Sodalists will bake for the next day’s St. Valentine’s bake sale, and have their own St. Valentine celebration.
Tuesday, February 21, is the feast of the Holy Face of Jesus. This devotion has protected and blessed our parish and our country in such a wonderful manner, so if you can, plan to attend Mass on that day. Come back the next day on Ash Wednesday, February 22, to mark the start of the holy season of Lent.
Yours in Christ and Mary,