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Consecration Photos and the November Events

Dear members and friends of the Sodality of Charity,

On September 29, 2021, Bishop Dolan consecrated Fr. Rodrigo da Silva from Brazil as our missionary Bishop for South America. Miss Eldracher’s class at St. Gertrude the Great School prepared the two linen bands which were used to tie the new Bishop’s head and hands after they were anointed with holy oil.

Below you can see the part of the consecration ceremony, which actually makes man a Bishop, namely the recitation of the essential form of the sacrament.

After his return to Brazil, Bishop da Silva has already given conferences, done confirmations and first Holy Communions, and conferred tonsure for his seminarians. At the end of this post you can see some pictures of the consecration ceremony, the making of the sacred linens, and of Bishop da Silva’s apostolate.

Our Sodality’s next monthly meeting will be on Saturday, November 20. Mark the date in your calendars, and watch our bulletin board for a more detailed schedule and program. The monthly Mass for our Sodality members will be celebrated on November 3, the First Wednesday of November, at 11:25 AM. The first Wednesdays of each month is always dedicated to St. Joseph, the glorious foster father of Our Lord, husband of Our Lady, and protector of the whole Church, and I hope all our Sodality members and friends honor him as their special friend and patron.

Remember that this Monday, November 1, is the feast of All Saints, a holy day of obligation. Solemn High Mass will be at our church at 9 AM. On Tuesday, November 2, the Church observes All Souls’ Day, when priest can celebrate three Masses for the Poor Souls. The first set of three Masses starts at 7 AM; at 11:25 there will be Solemn Requiem High Mass, followed by absolution and two Low Masses; and the final set of three Masses will start at 4:45 PM.

The Sodality of Charity members: remember especially the great act of charity to the Poor Souls this week. From noon of November 1 until midnight of November 2 you can gain a plenary indulgence under usual conditions each time (toties quoties) you make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. When you enter the church, pray six Our Fathers, six Hail Marys, and six Glory bes for the intentions of the Holy Mother Church. And you can then gain a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls, immediately again, if you make another visit and another set of the same prayers after having exited the church in the meantime.

This week is again the time of the November cemetery visit. You have two opportunities to join us for a Rosary of the Dead. The first one is on Thursday, November 4. We will depart from the church at 1 PM for St. Stephen’s Cemetery (1314 Greenwood Ave, Hamilton, OH 45011) where Fr. Cekada is buried. The second cemetery visit will be on Sunday, November 7, at 3:30 PM at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky (2201 Dixie Hwy, Fort Mitchell, KY 41017). Hope to see you at one of our Rosary of the dead processions – or even at both.

I thought you might like this: I have a French Missal, printed for the French archdiocese of Dijon. It is from 1921, approved by the then-archbishop Maurice Landrieux, and it contains a proper preface of All Saints. I usually sing that during our school Masses during the Octave. Here’s a translation of it:

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God. Who art glorified in the assembly of Thy Saints, and in crowning their merits, crownest Thine own; Who in them extendest to us in conduct an example, in community a brotherhood, and in intercession an aid: that having so great a multitude of witnesses placed before us, we might in patience run the course marked out for us, and with them win the incorruptible crown of glory. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, by Whose Blood is given to us entrance into the eternal kingdom: Through Whom the Angels trembling adore Thy majesty, and all the choirs of celestial spirits celebrate in common exultation. At Thy command our voices blend with theirs, singing in suppliant confession: Holy, Holy, Holy, etc.

Yours in Christ and Mary,

Fr. Lehtoranta


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