Sodality of Charity

And now there remain faith, hope, charity, these three: but the greater of these is charity. (1 Cor. 13:13)
Sodality of Charity was established in 2020 at St. Gertrude the Great Roman Catholic Church of West Chester, OH. It functions as an association of girls and young ladies as a Catholic Action group under the direction of the clergy of the parish.
The patrons of the Sodality are St. Joseph, the foster father of Our Lord, and St. Francis de Sales, who is also patron of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. St. Francis de Sales showed in his teachings, especially in his spiritual classic An Introduction to the Devout Life, that sanctity is not limited to church rectories and convents, but can be sought also in society and homes. Another patron of the Sodality is St. Francis of Paola, to whom an angel showed a shield with the word CARITAS (Charity) in gold letters. Charity to all was the major goal and distinction of the mission of St. Francis of Paola, and St. Francis de Sales was member of the Minim Third Order. The patroness of the Sodality is also Ven. Mary of Agreda, the celebrated missionary in South America, and author of The Mystical City of God.
The Sodality of Charity meets once a month. The meeting consists of Holy Mass and Communion, sermon, joint activity (e.g. archery, crafts and movies), and Rosary recited together. The members can join different clubs of the Sodality for their activities outside of the monthly meetings.